clean junk files
How to Clean Junk Files in Windows

We always tend to overlook junk files on our computers. The primary reason behind this is we don’t know when and where junk files are getting saved. So, it keeps piling on for months. But it is very important to clean junk files in Windows. Whenever you download a file or run a program over the internet, it creates junk files. Your browsing history, unused data, cookies, and caches, fall under this category. These consume space and can clog your computer. Cleaning junk files from your computer is a good […]

Protecting your privacy and personal data is more important now than it’s ever been. You’ve probably heard about Facebook data breaches that affect millions. For every high-profile hack, there are likely dozens of smaller cyber attacks that affect fewer people–but that are just as devastating for the people involved. These threats can include everything from malware and computer viruses to identity theft. And the threats aren’t limited to Facebook. The good news is that you don’t have to become a victim. Use these tips to better protect your data, your […]

You’re going on vacation, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be obsessively checking your email and surfing the web. Which means that somewhere buried in your luggage is your laptop. Heck, it will probably be the first thing you unpack. But, have you thought about protecting your privacy while you’re there out soaking up the sun? Maybe not. Your privacy is always under attack, but even more so when you travel. There’s two things you’ll want to do to protect your privacy while on vacation. First, you want to keep […]

PCR homescreen
Top 5 Things to Know about PC Reviver

PC Reviver from ReviverSoft was designed to make life easy, so you don’t have to worry about your computer ever again. Take a quick peek at the top 5 features of PC Reviver that will help you keep your PC well maintained and worry free! Welcome to your PC Reviver dashboard From here, everything is a click away to running and scheduling important maintenance tasks that your PC needs to ensure a long and happy life. 1. Repair This feature is most essential in keeping your PC running like new. […]

Start Menu Reviver and Windows 10

Start Menu Reviver works with Windows 10. Here are the details you need to know.

When we released Start Menu Reviver 2 we made big improvements to the overall design and usability of the product and we were very happy with all the praise and feedback we received about the new version. We are always trying to improve Start Menu Reviver and make it the best Start Menu that you can get for Windows 7 and Windows 8. Since version 2 was released we have received a some feedback from our users that they missed some of the customization features from version 1 (we simplified […]

Ever had a desire to delete a file and make sure that it is completely deleted with no way to recover it? Well there is good news if you are using a MacBook with a traditional hard drive (not a Solid State drive), we now have a new feature in MacReviver that allows you to permanently delete files on a Mac. The feature is called Shredder This is how it works: The first thing you need to do is to open MacReviver and then go to the Shredder feature. Here […]

ReviverSoft Answers has quickly become a great tool for people to be able to ask questions they have about their computer. No matter what problem you are having you can post it and get answers back from the world wide community. Well we have recently released a new feature within ReviverSoft Answers that gives credit where credit is due, to the people who are awarded the best answer for any question. We have done this by adding Google Authorship to all question pages. Who ever is selected as the best […]

How to uninstall PC Reviver

PC Reviver is very easy to remove. At ReviverSoft we believe very strongly in allowing people to remove applications that they do not wish to keep. Of course we hope you do not feel this way about PC Reviver but in case you do, here is how to remove it: Firstly you need to open the Windows Control Panel. Then choose ‘Programs and Features’. This will bring up a list of all applications on your computer. Scroll down this list until you find PC Reviver. Select PC Reviver and then […]

How to install PC Reviver

PC Reviver has been created with ease of use in mind, and so it is very easy to download and install. All you need to do is go to the PC Reviver Product Page and click on the ‘Download’ button. This will usually bring up a prompt from your browser asking you if you would like to download this file. Confirm that you would like to continue and then once the download is complete open the file that is downloaded (PCReviverSetup.exe). You should then receive a Windows message asking you […]

Using Search in Start Menu Reviver 2

Start Menu Reviver allows for some very powerful searching functionality. Here is what you need to know to make the most of it.

Want to make Start Menu Reviver look more like a Windows 7 Start Menu? We added this feature in Start Menu Reviver 2. Here’s how to do it.

Want to change how Start Menu Reviver looks? There are many options and this video explains them.

By default the Expanded menu in Start Menu Reviver 2 is set to open when you move your cursor near the right hand edge of the user interface but you can set it up to open up by default if that is what you would prefer. Here is how you can do that.

Start Menu Reviver released

Today we have released version of Start Menu Reviver. This is our first update since releasing Start Menu Reviver 2 earlier this month.

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