Driver Reviver is safe
Is Driver Reviver Safe to Use?

It is recommended to keep your computer up to date to enhance security and get best performance. There are many components in your PC like hard drives, scanners, printers, webcams, and more. You should have the latest drivers for all the components including Operating System, Apps, Antivirus programs, and internal components. It is not easy to keep everything up to date as device manufacturers keep releasing the latest versions every month. Thus, it is time consuming, confusing, and a boring task to check the outdated drivers. Then you also need […]

AMD posted new graphics drivers this month: version 14.2 Beta V1.3. Keep in mind that beta drivers can sometimes be less stable than their full counterparts, so use with caution. Download the new beta drivers from AMD’s site. Many of you are running AMD graphics, including people with Radeon and other graphics on mobile or desktop PCs. If you are, you’ll want this update. The Radeon R9 290X is a recent example of a graphics card that sees performance gains from this update. Just the Stats Here’s the details on […]

Ever wondered why different driver update products show different results? This article outlines why.

Your computer has served you well over the years, but lately you’ve been running into issues that you haven’t experienced in the past. You haven’t made any notable changes to your system and so you’re a little baffled by what’s causing the problem. Sound familiar? You’re starting to see blue screens, your hard drive is making a horrendous noise, or your computer beeps at your when you turn it on. Hopefully it’s something as simple as a driver or software update but maybe you’re about to experience a hardware failure. […]

How do I fix 0x000007E Blue Screen error?

Even seasoned computer users get a shiver of fear over blue screen errors. They are well known for their cryptic messages and that they sometimes can be difficult to troubleshoot and repair. Fortunately, if you know which blue screen error you have, you have won the most difficult part of the battle. Now that you know that you have a 0x0000007E error, you can get down to the much easier task of fixing it. Check your hard drive for problems. This is a very common error when you have a […]

Help: My laptop battery won’t charge

Most people who have have owned a laptop for a while have encountered this problem. Your battery is dead or dying, you plug your laptop in, and you realize that your laptop won’t charge. There are a couple of reasons why this might be happening, but finding the right solution will require some troubleshooting on your part to narrow down the exact problem. Here are some steps that you can take to find out why your laptop won’t charge, and what you may need to replace or repair to get […]

It is a terrifying sight. You are browsing the internet, listening to music or even worse – working on an important document in Word or Excel and suddenly, all you can see is a blue screen with an error message. This blue screen error, 0x0000007E, strikes terror into every computer user because it comes without warning and gives you no information on how to fix the problem except a strange string of numbers and letters. Well, fear not intrepid computer user, here are some ways that you can solve the […]

What is the 0x000000d1 error? The 0x000000d1 blue screen of death error can be incredibly intimidating when first viewed, but it’s actually a deceptively simple error to fix. A 0x000000d1 error occurs when one of the drivers you have installed on your computer has become corrupted or is behaving in an unstable way. To fix this problem you can roll back your drivers, update your drivers or restore your system to the last known good configuration. If you have recently installed new drivers or new plug-and-play software, it’s very likely […]

Does your screen occasionally turn black? Does the computer then restart on its own? A screen that blacks out and then restarts could be caused by any number of reasons, fortunately one of the most common resolutions is as simple as updating a driver. DRIVER UPDATE The simplest cause, and solution, to a malfunctioning display is related to your computers graphics (also known as video) driver. A graphics driver is a piece of software that allows a computer’s operating system to communicate with the computer’s graphics system. The driver is […]

All about the Device Manager in Windows

All the different entries in the Device Manager in Windows refer to different groups of drivers. Find out about them here.

Roll back a Driver and Restore Driver Updates The best practice when it comes to computer hardware drivers is to always keep them up to date. Usually newer versions of drivers bring with them better compatibility, more stability and sometimes new features. Why wouldn’t you want to upgrade? Because some times after upgrading you might start seeing one of these: Well sometimes new drivers that are released (especially BETA versions of drivers) can actually cause problems including Blue Screens, crashes and hardware malfunction. If you have found yourself in the […]

Scan Results from Driver Reviver

Outdated drivers holding back your PC’s performance and reliability? Learn how to scan your computer for driver updates and keep it running like new.

You can finally run Windows 8 on a Mac

Running Windows 8 on your Mac has proven difficult for many people. Luckily a new update released by Apple has changed all that.

Learn all about GeForce’s latest beta driver update, especially designed for the GeForce GTX 680. You’ll see a significant performance increase.

Top 5 Things to Know about Driver Reviver

Driver Reviver is ReviverSoft’s revolutionary driver-update application. Here are the five things you need to know about it.

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