
One of the biggest frustrations about trying to troubleshoot any computer problems is that the cause of the offending errors are often hard to identify. Computer malfunctions and errors sometimes seem to pop up out of nowhere and with no apparent reason. One minute your computer is working perfectly fine; the next minute it’s taking forever to boot up or programs aren’t functioning smoothly. Fortunately, Microsoft Windows comes equipped with a helpful program that is little-known among many Windows users. Event Viewer logs every event that occurs on your computer […]

Introducing PC Reviver

After many, many months of research and development we are absolutely ecstatic to announce the launch of our newest product, PC Reviver. “The all-new PC Reviver” PC Reviver is our new all-in-one repair, maintenance and optimization utility. It includes the essential tools and resources to help you restore optimum performance to your PC and keep it that way. The way we see it, PC Reviver is the only utility you are ever going to need to get your PC back to running at it’s best and keeping it that way. […]

How do I fix 0x000007E Blue Screen error?

Even seasoned computer users get a shiver of fear over blue screen errors. They are well known for their cryptic messages and that they sometimes can be difficult to troubleshoot and repair. Fortunately, if you know which blue screen error you have, you have won the most difficult part of the battle. Now that you know that you have a 0x0000007E error, you can get down to the much easier task of fixing it. Check your hard drive for problems. This is a very common error when you have a […]

Help: My laptop battery won’t charge

Most people who have have owned a laptop for a while have encountered this problem. Your battery is dead or dying, you plug your laptop in, and you realize that your laptop won’t charge. There are a couple of reasons why this might be happening, but finding the right solution will require some troubleshooting on your part to narrow down the exact problem. Here are some steps that you can take to find out why your laptop won’t charge, and what you may need to replace or repair to get […]

How to factory reset your computer

Learning how to factory reset your computer can help you keep your PC running like new. This process will erase whatever existing data and programs you have installed on your hard drive and reinstall Windows to reset your PC to the state it was in when you first opened the box (and sometimes even better since it won’t include all the unwanted programs – crapware – that can come with most new PCs). Some people choose to reset their PC on a regular basis to keep it running at tip […]

Does your screen occasionally turn black? Does the computer then restart on its own? A screen that blacks out and then restarts could be caused by any number of reasons, fortunately one of the most common resolutions is as simple as updating a driver. DRIVER UPDATE The simplest cause, and solution, to a malfunctioning display is related to your computers graphics (also known as video) driver. A graphics driver is a piece of software that allows a computer’s operating system to communicate with the computer’s graphics system. The driver is […]

The Need for Maintenance in Windows 7

Scheduling maintenance allows you to perform processor-intensive tasks, such as checking your disk for errors, during a time where your PC isn’t in use.

A Guide to Physical PC Maintenance

PC maintenance is more than just software. Learn how to keep your PC clean, inside and out.

A New Year’s Resolution for your Computer

Many people make New Year’s Resolutions. But how about making one for your PC instead? Find out how to get your PC running like new.

Overheating is a big problem in PC desktops and laptops. Here are some warning signs that your PC may be overheating, and several solutions.

Don’t miss the Driver Reviver Discount today! What better way to celebrate a Friday than to update your Windows drivers! (OK there are plenty of great ways to spend a Friday) Well until midnight tonight (PST) we are offering you the chance to purchase the industry leading Driver Reviver for 50% off it’s normal price. All you need to do is click the link below to take advantage of the Driver Reviver discount and save on your purchase. Get This Deal!   In case you missed it Driver Reviver has […]

Compressed air cleans dust out of the inside and out of your PC easily. Here’s how to use a compressed air canister to do that.

How to Revive an Old PC – Part 4

Welcome to Part 4 of our five-part series about reviving an old PC.

Today’s PCs are more powerful than ever, but we’re increasingly using them for more and more. If you’re serious about gaming, everyday wear and tear on your PC could be wreaking havoc on your rig. What might have been a top-of-the-line gaming powerhouse a year ago could be sucking wind like a plumber running up the stairs today if you’re not taking care of it properly.

ReviverSoft has put together a set of nine steps, complete with video blogs, for making sure your PC runs like the day you purchased it. From defragmentation to updating drivers, we cover every important maintenance step you need to take to get your PC running right.

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